General Objectives

Nations Institute for the Devloppment and the International Cooperation, Strategic Study and Research, Information Society and the NICT ( NIDC )

Multidisciplinary institution for Strategic Studies, Political Analysis, Research and Education for the Promotion of Democracy, Human Rights, International Development, international relations, cooperation, and socio-cultural exchanges, international solidarity and the dialogue of civilizations and religions.

The abbreviation is NIDC which is a nonprofit institution.

The institute aims to promote Democracy, Good Governance and International Development and it will also try to deepen and enrich the debate on the Euro-Arab and Euro-Mediterranean issues on democratization and stability within the Arab and Islamic countries and Africa, the phenomenon of terrorism, the Israeli-Arab socio-cultural exchanges, economic and investment, etc.

A Space for Education and Research for the Promotion of Democracy and Development, International Relations and Cooperation

The INDC also aims the promotion of the development.

The dialogue of civilizations and religions

Human and Refugees Rights Education

Strengthening the protection women migrant workers in the context of globalization

Freedom of Opinion, Press, the right of speech & the information technology, and the communication.